CHARM/RMA Annual Conference: Musicology and recordings
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, 13-15 September 2007
The 2007 Royal Musical Association Annual Conference was put on by CHARM (the AHRC Research Centre for the History and Analysis of Recorded Music), and took place at the Egham campus of Royal Holloway, University of London.
The conference theme was 'Musicology and recordings'. For most people in today's world 'music' means 'recorded music': through records, broadcasts, and the internet, technologies of reproduction have not only led to the emergence of new musical genres but also transformed performance and composition in existing genres, as well as fundamentally reshaping the production, dissemination, consumption, and business of music. At the same time the use of recordings has become an increasingly significant part of both research into and the teaching of all kinds of music.
Click here to download the conference report (pdf file)
The keynote lecture was given by Robert Philip (Open University) and Anthony Seeger (University of California, Los Angeles) presented the RMA Peter Le Huray lecture; sessions comprised both individual papers and themed/panel discussions.
Click here to view the full programme and list of abstracts.
At the end of the official event schedule, CHARM Research Fellow Craig Sapp offered a tutorial class on Sonic Visualiser.Click here to access our Sonic Visualiser tutorial materials